I've been wanting to do this for a few years. In fact, I've had the blog name, url, template, etc done for over 18 mos. I was just too lazy to get around to posting anything. Well call me lazy no more. Each time I went to actually get busy with posts I couldn't figure out what direction I wanted to go in. Do I do a food-oriented only blog being that food is kinda my thing? Or do I blog about my life and going through my divorce as an outlet? Do I blog about parenting? Hell, I still don't have a crystal clear concept, so this is going to be an outlet for it ALL! Food & recipes, glimpses into life with my kids, divorce woes but also joys of moving on.
After all that ranting an introduction seems a little late, but here it goes. Let's paint this oh so lovely picture of my life…
I'm 28 and having to start from scratch.
I'm in the process of divorcing (long overdue) the man that walked out on us a few years ago. I've since found someone that makes me smile and treats me and my children the way we deserve and couldn't be happier.
I was laid off in November and have been enjoying my time with my kids but am now ready to get back to business.
I went to school to be a chef but have no real desire to do that for a living any longer. I value my time with my kids too much.
I want to go back to school, but don't know what for just yet.
Like I said, I'm starting from scratch.
The kidnics need a bit of an introduction as well.
Taylor (or as she is affectionately called by one set of her grandparents, Taylorina). My little drama queen. She's 8 years old and ever so bright when it comes to school but rather flighty in the rest of her day to day activities. Life as she sees it is nothing but hearts and flowers all over the place. Ahhh to be 8 again.
Deacon. I call him Deacon Bean. Don't ask me why. I have know idea. I just called him that one day and it stuck. Only 5, but larger than his sister. He's my gentle giant. Camo is his favorite color and meticulously lines up his little green army men so that not a single one is out of place.
Finn. When naming him I thought I'd never call him Finnegan so I shortened it to just Finn. Now I call him Finneganaganagan all the time. He's the brightest little man I know. At 3 he's perfected the art of driving his siblings insane all the while wearing clip on tie on a daily basis. He's naked without it apparently. His favorite answer is, "I don't know" and will respond with that every single time you ask him something in which he knows the answer will get him in trouble. Which is nearly every time you ask him anything. Had Finn been born first he'd certainly be an only child.
I love these 3 to pieces and cannot imagine my world without them. Not to mention I'm positive that they will provide me with countless reasons to post.
That does it for post number uno! Can't wait to see where this blog takes me. Bear with me as I figure out what I want it to be. Until that direction is clear it's going to be a smorgasbord of sorts.